

There was an eff-ing car alarm that started shortly after midnight last night and was still going off when I left for work. I had this grand master plan to lay down on the couch and fall into a blissful slumber whilst watching a TiVo'ed episode of "Anthony Bourdain, No Reservations: India" so I could dream of curries and naan dipped in that creamed spinach delightfulness...but the damned car alarm wouldn't stop so I had to resort to going to bed instead. Hmph.

To make myself feel better (i.e. slightly less homicidal) this morning, I am guzzling a double Americano from this cute little cafe across the street from my work, which has the best espresso ever (shhh...don't tell Star*ucks). Their espresso machine was out of service for many many weeks and has only been back recently. And it could not have gotten fixed any sooner seeing as I was surely becoming known at that cafe as That Weird Girl Who Works Across The Street And Falls Into A Weeping Heap of Sorrow Every Time She Comes In And Sees Empty Counter Space Where The Espresso Machine Is Supposed To Be.

Anyway, I've got a rehearsal and a concert later today so I think I will use the rest of my "work" day to do some actual work. Spater!

1 comment:

  1. That must be one heck of a rehearsal to delay further posting. Nothing about the weather or an eggnog latte?
