
Yarrrgh...old people pills.

I am, as of one hour ago, officially taking glucosamine and chondroitin supplements*. Because, not only do I have bad wrists from my years as a gymnast, I also developed bad knees after high school when I decided to try a brief stint at exercising again (didn't last long), then woke up with a bad left shoulder 19 months ago (Remember when I blogged about it when I was still working for the goddamned KSO? Yeah, it's still there.), and a week ago started waking up in the middle of the night with a burning pain in my right elbow. Yeesh. This whole approaching 30 thing is doing quite a number on me. At least I got a trip to Target out of this whole need to buy old people pills.

In other news: tomorrow, the Schmoobs and I are joining his newest non-gay boyfriend and the non-gay boyfriend's wife for Happy Hour at Elliott's Oyster House in the city. I am -- how do you say? -- stoked. It's the place we went to when we visited Seattle for the first time while looking at apartments and ended up spending way too much money on oysters and booze. And then checked out a showing of "The DaKinki Code" at The Lusty Lady. But that's another story... Anyway, on Fridays, oysters at Elliott's are 50 cents each, and then the price goes up incrimentally by 20 cents every half hour until 6 o'clock. It's f*ing brilliant. And they have oyster trivia, too. If you get one of their two oyster-related trivia questions correct, you get a free half dozen oysters. Also, we may or may not have gotten a free half dozen oysters on more than one occasion courtesy of Scott's smartphone + the intarwebs. Does that make us bad people? Or just smart... Maybe just greedy for free oysters. Isn't sinning for the sake of a free-oyster-payoff forgivable? Hmm? Anyone??

Also, I should say this: the Seattle Symphony is performing Beethoven's freaking Ninth Symphony at the end of the month. I'm totally going. It's going to be the greatest thing ever and, while I am going to try my very darndest to not soil myself in my seat during the final movement, I'm not going to make any promises. The end.

* By the way, these things are freaking expensive, man! Who knew?!


  1. I saw the Syracuse Symphony do the Ninth Symphony once. I was highly unimpressed and disappointed. But then again, they're only Syracuse. ;)

  2. I'm so sorry that you're old. Are you sure it's Beethoven's 9th that's causing incontinence, or the natural agin process taking it's toll on your ancient body?
