
A peek into our future.

"Rockabye BB in the treetop. When the bough brakes, the cradle will fall..."

That doesn't even rhyme!

In other news: Uh, when did it become okay for students to continuously email - or, better yet, call their teacher's cellphones*  - a mere 24 hours after a final exam to demand their grades? Jeebus. It's called "We have more responsibilities than just catering to your every last need, child." 

In other words: No, I do not have your final grade yet. They will be posted by Monday at 5pm - you know, along with everybody else as per university policy. ps. If you spent more time practicing and studying, instead of whining and making excuses, maybe you wouldn't have to be so worried about your grade.

* Happened to a colleague of mine, not me. Like I would ever let a student anywhere near my cellphone number. Ha! As if!

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