
Psyching myself up for LOST tonight!! (and trying to remain in denial that it is the Season Finale...SAD FACE!)

You know what happens when you leave your camera's memory card on a TV tray next to the couch while you go to take a shower?

It will go missing, but then you'll find it later that night on the living room floor with three very distinct puppy tooth marks on it. Oh, and it won't work anymore. Ugh.

Fortunately, I went to Best Buy and upgraded from a 128MB card (I know, right? It held like 3.2 seconds of video...) to a 4GB one and now find myself obsessed with taking videos of the household animals because my camera can now hold over 3 hours of video footage. Awesome. The result, of course, being that you all get to be delighted with an assortment of BB and Bela videos. I trust this will be the closest I will get - for the time being...for the looong time being - to bombarding you all with obnoxious baby pictures and videos, so just humor me okay?

1. BB and Bela: A Love Story

2. BB and Her Little Pony

ps. BB seems to undergo the transformation from unbearably cute little ball of fluff to scruffy little ball of stink overnight. She is definitely in the latter stage right now. Good thing she's got a grooming appointment this Saturday.






*drink of water*

Seriously, somebody knock me out and just wake me up in January and spare me the terrible bleak existence of 8 months without knowing what happens next...


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