
Happy Birthday to meeeee!orWell, that was wholly unpleasant.*** Now with Super Awesome UPDATE!!

Note to self: Add "more than 1 1/2 glasses of white wine" to the list of Things Ysabel Can No Longer Drink Now That She Is IN THE FINAL YEAR OF HER TWENTIES AAAAAAACK. Oh how my stomach lining burned last night. 

In other news: I'd really like to keep up with my 30-Day Torture routine this morning, but my calves and thighs are still incredibly sore and even the thought of doing one jumping jack makes me want to cry. I think I'll take BB for a walk instead and grab some coffee and postpone the workout until this evening. I promise!


Squee squeee squeeeeeeeeee!!

I got a phone call from Schmooblebunnies this morning wishing me a Happy Birthday, during which he casually asked me to go to his car and look in the glove compartment for "something he needs." 

I am only slightly ashamed to admit that I did not get right away that this was a blatant set-up to lead me to my birthday present. I am going to go ahead and blame that on the fact that I had not had any coffee yet and my brain was not fully functional. Anyway. I went down to his car and shuffled around his glove compartment for a few seconds...and found this!

Hard to tell, but it's a card with my name on it. And inside...
"You have found the first clue! Now look for the 'Journeys with George' DVD for you next one..."

A Birthday Treasure Hunt! AWESOME!! Best Schmooblebuns Ever!!

But first, I hopped inside his car to get a birthday present to myself -- something to help ensure that my brain would perform to its best ability during this activity:

When I got back, I went through our tower of DVDs and found ...*shudder*... this DVD with this card slipped on top.
Inside: "Watch this DVD for your next clue...Just kidding!!! Look on top of the fridge :)"

After a bit of finagling and stretching and painful climbing (damn 30-Day Shred) of the countertop to see on top of the fridge, I found the next clue.
Inside: "Don't you miss me playing X-Box? Good! Go look under it!"

Under the X-Box was this awfully cute clue.
Inside: "Remember when you wanted a beagle? Instead of a BB?!? For that, your hunt continues! Look under Bela's palace! :)"

The final clue. It was a musical card, even!

BB found this particular clue fascinating.
Inside: "And now...go back to my car & find the spare tire...there is your present!"

...And Schmoobliebuns got me an iPod touch!! Wowowowee!! 

As much as I love this present (as it continues to feed a growing dependence on technological distractions), it was the thoughtfulness and time that went into the treasure hunt that I loved the most. 

Funny aside: The (eeearly) morning that I had to drive Schmoobs to the airport a few days ago, I woke up to find him already showered and packed so I started rushing to get ready. Schmoobs, however, kept saying, "Why don't you go back to sleep?" and "There's still time. My flight's delayed. You should go back to sleep." and "Don't you want to go back to sleep? Maybe you should go back to sleep." I responded, rather crankily, "You said we were supposed to leave by seven." and proceeded to take a quick five-minute shower. Luckily, after that I laid back down on the bed (you know, to "rest my eyeballs") and fell asleep for another half hour. Which is a lucky thing because, as Schmoobs explained to me on the phone today, he was trying to get me to go back to sleep because he hadn't finished setting up all the cards yet. And I was clueless (pun quasi-intended)! Ha!

Another funny aside: Last night, over that regrettable stomach-lining burning bottle of wine, I brought up the subject of Schmoobs' birthday to our friends. And I said, "Well, I know he really wants an iPod touch because he won't stop talking about those things..."

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