
Take that, Piggy Flu Paranoia!

You know what the best course of action is when you find yourself struggling with sudden-onset nausea and lethargy and become increasingly paranoid that you have been infected with the dreaded Swiiiiiiiine Fluuuuuuu virus?

Kill it! Kill that virus!

Namely, with vodka and some olives.

On a related note: Why does having an end-of-the-week dirty Ketel One martini now always result in me spending the night passed out in some location other than my bed? More specifically: usually the couch, with the Food Network on. Sometimes, the living room floor wrapped in a comforter...with the Food Network on. 

Also, having said that: Why do I have so much goddamn energy this morning?* I was woken up in the wee early hours of the morning due to a phone call before 8am in the morning (on a Saturday, for f*ck's sake! Erm, RUDE!) on Schmoobles' phone from some drum corps person. F*cking drum corps people. Urgh. Which was enough to get me bounding out of bed couch to fix a gigantor mug of coffee and throw on some exercise clothing and go take BB for a pleasant morning jaunt outside while I drank said coffee. 

Note: Hey, you know what requires quite a bit of coordination? Holding a leash and a massive set of keys in one hand and a gigantor mug of coffee in the other, and then trying to pick up and bag a pile of BB turds off the ground. That's what. 

Anyway, off to continue this pleasant Saturday with a delicious soak in the hot tub. If the pool isn't frigid, maybe I can swim a lap or ten. 

* It's because I killed the Piggy virus with vodka. Doy.


ETA: Went down and hot-tubbed. Then swam some laps (!!!) in quasi-frigid water. Then hot-tubbed some more. I now have water in my ears which makes me want to squeeze my skull to stop the throbbing. I also want to vomit due to the sudden increase in physical activity. But I feel FANTASTIC!

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