*pops 2 Midol and calls it a day*
...except I can't call it a day because I am deep in the middle of grading a ginormous stack of final exams so I can post grades online before I start getting harrassing emails from students during my precious vacation time. "What's my grade?!" "Where are our grades?!" they'll all ask. Sheesh. This was the story of my life this past week:
Student turning in his exam: "So, when will our grades be posted?"
Me: "They're due at the end of next week."
Student: "So..."
Me: " 'Sooo...' "
Student: "Ok."
Another student in the middle of taking his exam: "If I stay after class, will you grade my test so I can see my grade?"
Me: "No."
Yet another student turning in their final: "When do you think you'll have our tests graded?"
Me: "As soon as I have time to grade them."
Student: "...Ok."
Geez, guys. Give a girl a day to relax and get through Season 5 of Dexter, will you?
Related: I totally stayed up til 3am watching Dexter again last night. No bloody nightmares this time, though. So that's good.
Also: yesterday morning, in keeping maintenance of Operation: Anti-Bloat Face (still going strong!) I weighed myself in our bathroom scale and was horrified to see that I was two pounds heavier than when I started this whole operation. Later in the evening, I checked with the scale again to be sure and it said that I had magically lost five pounds in the last eight hours. Stupid inaccurate scale. Whateverrr (that one's for you, Dan). I'll just be content with knowing that I feel markedly more healthy and less "puffy" - as I described it to Schmoobs - all around just after a week of cutting out fast food, soda and delicious fried goodness. Plus, did you know that sliced chicken breast, dipped in egg and covered in bread crumbs, then baked in the oven can be just as satisfying as deep fried chicken nuggets from the drive-thru? Of course you did, everyone knows that.
However: Do you think I could be forgiven if I had just one meal from In-n-Out when I land in California in a few days? C'mon! It's In-n-Out for Pete's sake! NOM NOMS!
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