
Note to self:

NEVER watch Dexter online until 2 in the morning again.

I dreamt last night that I was at a bathroom sink brushing my teeth and then all of a sudden I started coughing up buckets and buckets of blood. Except it didn't hurt. I just remember thinking, "Oh geez, that's not normal. *COUUUGH* ...Oh ok here's some more! *COUBLAAAGH*...Oh man, I should probably get some help!" And then I started getting light headed so I ran out still holding my toothbrush yelling for somebody to help me.


Hey, did you know that I haven't had any fast food or soda in like a week? Yay me. I cooked up some improvisatory curry-coconut-peanut-vegetables thing with a side salad-ish concoction of rice, quinoa and parsley with some baked salmon the other night. I wasn't fond of it in the end but Schmooblybot said he liked it a lot. I guess I will have to learn to like it since it made like eleventy-three servings and I will be eating it at every meal these next few days while Schmoobleburg is out of town.

Oop! That rumbly in my tumbly means my coffee is alerting my booowels. Bye now.

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