
Some people just really do not belong in college.

Exhibit A:

Behold the email I received this morning from a student in my Intro to Music Lit for people who make me wonder how they even graduated from high school non-music majors class. A class which happened to have a quiz today, as mentioned in the above email. Also, please observe that this message was sent at 10:49am. Eleven minutes before the beginning of class. Needless to say, I did not respond to this email. I should also note that nobody else in the class had any problems receiving the attachment in this email so my conscience is clear.

Exhibit B:

Speaking of this morning's quiz, one of the questions was "Please list any 3 facts about Beethoven's life or his music that were discussed in the lecture material." One of the students raised his hand and asked me, "In this question about Beethoven facts... can I say, 'He dead.'?" My response: "Are you kidding me? I gave you two full pages of notes about Beethoven and had you watch a two-hour film about his life and music. So...NO."

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