
Blogaday Eight: "Last minute post."

Happy Birfday to my older (emphasis on OLD...har) brother!

Now, on to some pictures:


Spinach and gorgonzola with pears, walnuts, grapes and dates. 


The waiter came by at this point and tried to take my plate away. I told him I wasn't done yet. 

Poisoncake. The berries make it healthy.

My lovely dinner dates. Jen (left) is the proud new momma of a Shiba Inu puppy named Kiko and Becky just go engaged three days ago!

I told Jen to not buy me anything, but of course she didn't listen. Flowers and a bottle of wine from Jen. They also got me a giftcard to Central Market and Star*ucks. So nice!

I woke up to an epic battle this morning:

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