
Summer 2011 Daily Blog Day One?

This morning, Schmoobliebuns left for the annual Drum Corps nerd pilgrimage. To Chicago. I was very sad and made a tearful spectacle of myself in front of his friend/coworker who has been our houseguestt the past three days and who si travelingn with him up to Chicago. But then afte rthey left, I went back inside and fixed myself a cup of coffee, fed the Beebla, and then received an invitation to hangout with a girlfirend for this evening and all was well.

So she came over with her new puppy, a Shiba Inu name d Kiko, and I made my favorite go=to corwd pleasing dish - baked salmon and roasted vegetables. Did I mention we shared a bottle of wine? Her husband left this morning to go on a band trip with his students as well. Ugh, effing band nerds. Anyway. And then we got super buzzed on wine talking about boys and puppies and then I overdosed on strawberries, pound cake and Toblerone. If you could see me right now, I am sprawld out on the couch with one leg up on the couch back with the laptop on my bloated stomach. I'm hot. Also: Schmoobles is not home for another 2.5 weeks, which mensa that I will not be shaving my legs for precisely 2.5 weeks. Hooray! Hairy hairy hairyhairyiahiyr,.

I think I'll attmepet to blog every day tthis summer. We'll see how that goes. Happy summer. I have lots to talk/bitch about. Tomorrow when I'm sober.

Made when I was not crunk:

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