Curse you, John Williams, and your affinity for perfect fifth intervals!
You know, before recording and posting a moronic video of myself in the morning, I really should take a shower and maybe put some makeup on or something. But clearly I have no vanity. And by "no vanity," I mean "no shame."
By the way, this is what greeted me upon waking up this morning. Hahaha. The question is, how long had they been watching me?
Hey, Happy LOST Finale-versary to one and all! One year ago, I was in Chicago with Schmoobs, Dev and Vanessa affixing Dharma beer labels to many beer bottles and purchasing Kleenex tissues in bulk quantities in preparation. So awesome.
Cooking update later.
UPDATE: Cooking in progress!
On tonight's agenda. Maybe this will help counteract the potato chips I ate for breakfast?
Not pictured: Halibut. Also not pictured: a cocktail, most likely.
It's not that easy being green.
This is not relevant to dinner, but I thought it worth noting since I bought this freak of a plantain at the same time I bought all that other produce at the grocery store yesterday. I know it's not easy to tell how huge it is without any perspective...
...but LOOK AT IT COMPARED TO THAT HEAD OF CABBAGE!!! Hahahaha...just kidding. That's totally a brussels sprout.
Due to lack of foresight, I now find myself with my one giant bowl and both of my two baking pans in the dishwasher and I need all three of these items before I can commence with dinner preparations. So in the meantime I think I'll fix myself a beverage.

It's cocktail tiiiiime! Whisky, club soda and sweetened lime juice. Is that anything? I don't know. It's pretty tasty.
It's cocktail tiiiiime! Whisky, club soda and sweetened lime juice. Is that anything? I don't know. It's pretty tasty.
Guh. Chopping, chopping and more chopping.
About halfway through. This bowl is filling up fast...
Max capacity! Danger, Will Robinson! Tossing this load is going to prove to be an intimidating feat.
Alright, after shot. You didn't need to see what happened amidst the mixing action. A few brave soldiers fell overboard.
Shiny happy veggies holding haaaa-aaaaands!
All that's left of the original crew.
And now they are gone, too. That's a phatty fillet of halibut sitting on the bed of fennel fronds and kale leaves on the side. Ready for some oven lovin'.
I do love a good macro shot. Even of uncooked fish. Don't you want to just slap it? ...Just me? Ok.
Caramelization, betches. With a side of charring, but I like it that way.
Is it normal for fish to get bigger after it's baked? Because I swear this fillet of halibut came out even bigger than going in. How many people am I cooking for again? Oh, that's right. ONE. I think I know what I'm going to be eating for the rest of the week.
Et finis. Ready for my dinner and a show! The show? Real Housewives of New Jersey. Nice.
Oh, and dessert. CHOMP.
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