
Blogaday Three: "Not only that... We'll TRIPLE the offer for the low price of $59.95!" * UPDATE *

So, with Schmoobliebunz gone for the next two weeks and with the Summer session not starting until the beginning of next month, I realized this morning that I could literally go two weeks without speaking to another human being if I really wanted to. (Talking to Beebla doesn't count.) Wouldn't that be an interesting personal experiment. And not completely unmanageable by my anti-social self either. And hey, if the world does indeed end today, then I would only have to go about thirteen hours without talking. Easy peasy.

Speaking of the world ending, I found myself sitting through the entirety of Mean Girls 2 last night. At the end, I was almost willing the arrival of Judgment Day as this was a clear indication that I do not deserve to live. Hahaha. Just kidding. But seriously though. Awful movie.

And then I stayed up until 4am watching a House Hunters International marathon capped off by the infomercial for the Genie Bra. I certainly do know how to maximize my precious vacation days, don't I? Ugh, how dreadful.

Tonight or tomorrow, I am going to attempt to cook halibut for the first time. I assume I can approach it basically the same way as salmon? Salmon is so super easy and delicious nom nom nom. As soon as I can get to the grocery store and procure some more vegetables to roast, that is. Maybe that'll be my post tomorrow. Assuming there will be a tomorrow. Har har.

Hey, you know what's totally more fun than a fake Day of Rapture? An Awesome Day of Raptor, that's what. Happy Raptor Day everyone!

"I'm the king of the wooooorlllld! ... which is not ending anytime soooooon!!"

Anyway, this was sunset last night. Pretty, no?


Hey, did you know that after "owning" a (i.e. essentially being given one of Schmoobles') Macbook for over three years, you will finally figure out that you can easily record stupid videos on the internal camera? This does not (or does it?) bode well for the gradual increase in psychosis I will likely undergo throughout the course of the next two weeks as I become increasingly restless and bored. Anyway, after trying for well over an hour to figure out why the hell none of the videos are playing back any sound, and recording video after stupid video after idiotic video saying "testing...testiiing...testiiiiiing" you will finally figure out to go to the sound preferences menu and click the one correct thing that will magically make the sound work. Ugh. In any case. SUCCESS!

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