Countdown to Tokyo: 25 days
Greetings, faithful readers!
So I had my interview yesterday... I feel pretty good about it. I wore one of my trusty power outfits (black strapless dress and green button-up sweater), which hopefully made me look older than, you know, 12 years old or something. It lasted about an hour long and mostly consisted of Jonathan (Exec. Director of the KSO ... and no, I'm not so presumptious as to think we are on a first name basis. I'm just too lazy to type out the whole name) presenting me with a few scenarios (1. The rehearsal space is too hot or too cold and the orchestra is getting ornery, but the stage technician doesn't know how to fix it; 2. There is a guest artist flying in that night. There was no stipulation on their contract about food, and there is no money in the budget to handle the extra expense; 3. One of the orchestra musicians is upset about something and is arguing about it with you in a very inappropriate and unprofessional manner...) and seeing how I would handle each said situation. The good thing is that I feel like I presented myself in a very open and forthright manner, but still agreeable and pleasant. The bad news is that I don't know how much my inexperience and lack of qualifications will factor into the whole situation. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Jonathan said that he has about 4 or 5 other interviews after me, and then he will choose maybe 2 to come in for a second interview. I should find out sometime later next week. Keep your fingers crossed! If this doesn't work out, then I guess it's on to plan B,which is, namely, to win the lottery and live happily ever after... Hahaha. Just kidding.
I talked to one of my former teachers, the director of the orchestra at UT. He told me today that his fiance is actually one of the other candidates for the position and that she had her interview today. The funny thing (or maybe "tragically devastating for Ysabel" is more accurate) is that I had asked him to write me a letter of recommendation several weeks ago, which he did. He even had lunch with Jonathan during which they discussed me (and, obviously, my current archenemy - just kidding - the fiance, Jenny). Anyway, he just wanted to make sure that I knew that despite the seeming conflict of interests, he was very fair and complimentary in his letter. Blah blah blah. Whatever. Anyway, I told him to wish his fiance good luck from me and that may the best person win (especially if that person is me... hahaha).
Oh God, I just Googled the fiance's name and found her professional bio. She has quite a few years of arts administrative experience... Dash it all!!!
That sound you just heard is the sound of my hopes and dreams going down the proverbial drain. But I've still got a shot, right? Right??!! .... Well, one thing's for sure: I will not be drowning my sorrows in hotdogs. I learned my lesson the other night... But I'm fairly sure that a visit to Target is in order for tomorrow! Ha.
I hope you chucked as much ass as an asschuck could chuck. We'll find out over the coming weeks if anything came of it, but the cool part is that you had an actual interview for an actual job with an actual symphony. Statistics say that it takes something like 5 interviews to get a job, so strive to be an interview whore and statistics are on your side.
ReplyDeleteI definitely see myself become a so-called interview whore in the next coming weeks (months??). I don't know if that's a step up or down from being an audition whore... interview whore...that's a good one.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that F. was open with you about the fiancee also applying...although I hope she doesn't get it 'cause that would be a little awkward.
This probably doesn't help, but I look at every interview as practice for the next one, so even if you don't get the job, you're still getting experience and getting better for the next one!