

This is my last week of guaranteed work.

I am training my replacement the entire week.

She is cool and very much like me (simultaneously highly efficient and lazy).

We've already both confessed to each other our affinity for spending countless hours at work doing non-work-related activities at the computer.

The point of all this is that I will be unable to do much (if any) bloggingy-goodness at the office this week as I will have a shadow by me at nearly all times.

My apologies.

Most updating for the remainder of this week will be done at home in the brief few moments before bedtime when I am only half conscious.

Hence, the fractured thoughts and lack of paragraphical organization in this post.

My apologies again.

In any case, look forward to an indeterminate period of Ysabel-no-longer-blogging-about-her-office-antics-and-now-blogging-about-her-state-of-pennilessness-and-destitution.

But at least I will be in Seattle, baby.


Also, I have been driving my car for two days now with not one menacing buzz to be heard.

Victory is mine!

2.5 weeks until the cross-country drive...

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