
It's Monday and I'm not at work!

And what have I accomplished with my day thus far? Let's see:

1. Slept in til 10 am.

2. Flipped between The View, E! News, Ellen, and reruns of Gilmore Girls and Will & Grace all within the same hour.

3. Cleaned the kitchen.

4. Ran the dishwasher.

5. Cleaned and vacuumed the living room.

6. Ate a slice of Star*ucks iced lemon pound cake and two hotdogs for breakfast.

7. Showered before lunchtime.

I'm on quite a roll. Truth be told, however, I think I've finally reached that point in my life when being able to sleep in and do whatever you want with your day just isn't as satisfying as it used to be. Did you hear that, Mom and Dad? The day has come! Hahaha. Anyway, vacations are one thing, but an indefinite period of unemployment (i.e. un-paycheck-ment) is a whole new story. Can't wait to get to Seattle and figure out what the hell to do with myself there.

But in the meantime, I hear some Seinfeld reruns calling my name...


  1. At least tomorrow, you can schedule watching your re-runs around your visit to me at Starbucks.

  2. OMG Ysabel I went to Starbucks AGAIN just this evening. But I had a valid excuse- I was extremely dehydrated after rehearsal and it was right there calling my name and ARGH. Hehe.

  3. Recline, roll, repeat. The stuff of dreams.
