Hi. I'm still alive. You will please forgive me for not updating this blog in a while. I've been busy sitting on the couch and eating bad food and procrastinating about the Big Move. And going to cool hipster bars in Market Square and watching a slightly disappointing burlesque show while drinking gin and whisky (not at the same time). Oh, and attending a fabulous going away party* (Thanks Heather!! You are awesome!!!) also attended by one especially cool surprise guest (Benhamin!! Yayyy!!). So, as you can see, I've clearly been busy doing Everything Possible But Actually Getting Ready to Move Across the Country in Less Than A Week.
...That is, until today, when I've packed up the kitchen, a good amount of the living room, some clothes and some of the bathroom. Whee! Packing itself, I've found, is not sooo much of a pain. The loading of the U-Haul tomorrow, however, in disgusting Southern summer heat and general climatey grossness will surely be a b*tch. But here's the thing: a hellish day of loading tomorrow, followed by about 5 days of hellish cross-country driving madness, and I will be officially living in Seattle (or the vicinity thereof) in exactly one week!
* Hilarious recaps and potentially incriminating photos of said party to be posted at a later date. Maybe tomorrow if I feel like procrastinating with the truck loading.
I have very delicious incriminating photos for you and your fans!