
Aging + Metabolism = Blrrrgh.

I feel as though my metabolism has slowed down to a near halt. I can look back to the olden times when I could literally eat probably two burgers and a couple slices of pizza without giving it a second thought. In fact, I think I probably had a six-pack at that point. Then again, I was also twelve years old and spent like two thousand hours a week at gymnastics. Anyway, fast forward fifteen years later and I find myself waiting day after day for this temporary bloatation to go away. Except now I am fearing the process of accepting the fact that this "temporary bloatation" is actually "this is what you get when you never exercise and still insist on having the eating habits of a college undergrad." Gr. Oh, most cruel unfairness of life! This could, however, be also due to the fact that it is PMS week and the bloatation factor is higher than usual. 

Um, I'm not really sure what the point of this post was, except to say that I just finished eating Panda Express and am feeling exceptionally flabby. 

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