
So how did you spend your Saturday night?

If it was anything like mine, then you went to a friend's doctoral piano recital (Chopin's Piano Concerto no. 2 in F minor*, especially the second movement...amaaazing), whereupon you went to take your seat at the end of intermission, Star*ucks grande soy caramel machiatto in hand, and then realized too late that the seat that your ass was aiming for was not actually where you thought it was, and you ended up flat on aforementioned ass with your feet up in the air with about thirty other people watching.  Yeah.  Even better: this chain of events caused a bottle of water that was at your feet to start rolling down the aisle, which prompted the guy sitting directly across the aisle from you to leap up from his seat and start running after the water bottle in a beautiful show if chivalry; unfortunately, his eagerness in running after my water bottle then resulted in him tripping over his feet and diving headfirst at the end of the aisle.  Yeesh. So I guess tonight's audience got two shows for the price of one, eh?  Haha.

Addendum: I should add, however, that I realized about thirty seconds after this all happened and the scarlet red flush had somehow drained from my cheeks, that my precious latte had somehow survived the whole ordeal and was still in the firm clutches of my left hand. Hm.

* Written when he was all of nineteen years old, by the way. Sick bastard.

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