
Vacation rulz.

Real life sucks. Especially when you come back from a glorious week in the fantastical magical tropical paradise that is Hawaii...to find that your car is dead. Dead dead. Waaay dead. No amounts of (failed) jump start attempts (courtesy of Schmoobins) in the bitterly cold Pacific Northwest springtime weather -- in cruel contrast to the deliciously tropical Hawaiian springtime weather of sunshine and 80 degrees -- could get even a hint of a spark out of my poor (un)Lucky. Bah. Time to hit up the Nutella bottle again for some chocolatey nuttylicious therapy as I figure out how the hell to fix (un)Lucky after blowing a significant chunk of my pennies on various forms of macadamia nut based tasty treats this last week. 

A recap of vacation-related events and pics to follow...if you're luckyif I'm not too lazy. 

ps. Werk tomorrow?  Bah humbug!

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