
The only way in which Spring Daylight Savings Time becomes a good thing...

...is when you realize that your work computer did not adjust one hour ahead and it is actually one hour closer to the end of the work day than you previously thought! Huzzah!

In other news: my little brother just sent out an email saying that he may not be able to go on our Hawaiian family vacation at the end of the month because of a laaame (but actually good for him) work dealy that he can't really pass up on. I will be sehr sad if he can't come because 1) he suffered a gnarly surfing wound a few weeks ago and I wanted to see the grossness in person, and 2) speaking of, he is supposed to give me surfing lessons. Anyway, I said that I would send out good karmic energy into the universe and, hopefully, make him magically able to go on the trip. This means, of course, that I can't post about poop and farts for a little while. Sorry.

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