

Yeah yeah yeah.  I'm going to post for real soon, ok?  It is just that life has been fairly busy - in a good way - lately and I think I am in the midst of living life in the beginning throes of actually picking up teaching and coaching gigs around town a little at a time and it is finally (finally!) starting to encroach on this nonsense that I call my day job.  This can only mean one thing: that in the somewhat not so distant future, I can anticipate the need to finally (FINALLY!!) cut back on my day job hours to make room for my blooming career as an actual bona-fide musician.  


But I know this is the first of roughly one million baby steps in the process. 

 Oh, and I'm also working on a super secret awesome project that I don't want to write about here only because I want it to be a super awesome surprise once it's done.  MUAHAHaahhaahAHAhAHa.  Suffice it to say, that it is totally nerdy, and, in a way, involves The Grand Master Plan to stage my triumphant return to the world of musical academia.  

In the meantime: Have I mentioned how much I love Lost and how much last week's episode rocked my universe?  If 't'were possible, I would make with the sweet sweet lovin' to Lost and have twenty thousand of its Lost babies.  

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