
I can't believe I'm up this early on a Saturda -- ZZZZzzzzZZzzZz...

You know what's not fun?  Having to get up roughly 4 hours before your regular Saturday wake-up time.  Especially when you took some melatonin the night before to help you sleep, except it didn't actually help you sleep and, instead, helped to make your legs incredibly restless while your brain continues to buzz at an uncontrollable rate thinking about the reason you are having to get up so early the next morning.  A reason which I cannot divulge here because it totally has to do with my Super Secret Awesome Project.  MwaHAAHAAhaha!  That is all you're getting.

Ooh, except to say this: yesterday at work (yes, at work....blargh), I had The World's Fastest BM.  And it smelled like banana bread.  The End.

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