
It's been a while, yes?

That's because I've been too busy working and not sleeping enough to blog. Blahg, rather.

So I have officially put on my protest pants and cancelled all of my classes tomorrow because:

1. I am right on schedule, if not ahead, in all of my classes


2. therefore, deserve to not go in to work for a day goddamnit.

Also, I have been in and out of feeling slightly puke-ish for the last few days*, which I am taking as further reason for me to linger in bed past 6am tomorrow morning.

Other things I would talk at greater length about if I had the wherewithall:

  • Payday is this Friday. EFFING PAYDAY IS FINALLY FREAKING HERE ON FRIDAY. I shall tremendously enjoy the $20 that will be leftover after I pay my share of rent and all of the bills that I have mentally put in the Hypothetical Box of Very Bad Things That I Like To Be in Denial About When I Am Poor for the past few weeks.
  • The music department at the university for which I teach moved into our brand new multi-million dollar building this year. The building is absolutely beautiful and so much more gigantic than the previous building, which resembled a modest 1950s bomb shelter. Anyway. I have my own office on the second floor sandwiched between the two heads of the Theory and History deparment, both of whom have been teaching for a combined total of I think twenty million years and just a few steps down the hall from the main classrooms where I teach my classes. It's not a bad space. Except that the head of our department instituted a rule of no food or drinks on the second floor (something lame having to do with the new carpeting and blah blah blah). Which means no coffee on the second floor. Which means no coffee for Ysabel in her office. And no coffee for Ysabel in the classrooms where she attempts to teach Music Theory coherently at 8am. There's really nothing I can say about this except: IT SUCKS.
  • Last week, Schmoobs and I awoke at 5am to the sounds of rustling in the kitchen. Luckily, it wasn't Knuckles coming to molest me in the middle of the night. However, it was BB eating her way through a mountain of garbage that she had gotten into by tearing into a garbage bag full of our kitchen trash that I had taken out of the can but forgotten to take out to the dumpster. I have no idea what she had managed to eat before we caught her, but she has had soft-serve coming out her butt ever since then and it is only now getting better. Poor BB. Poor BB's sphincter. 

* The fact that Schmoobs took me out on Saturday night and I chose to eat a) a cheese pizza, b) a side of mac and cheese, c) a pumpkin spice latte inspired cocktail, D) ALL OF THE ABOVE may or may not have something to do with this.

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