
Well, it was a good four months...

So we have cable television again as of ten minutes ago. Honestly? I didn't really miss it much at all. The only time I truly lamented not having television was when I realized at Brevard that I was missing this summer's season of Big Brother. But, truly, I was too busy suffering from The Burning Uterus from Hell and dodging the stealthy attacks of murderous hillbillies riding bears through the mountains to really notice. Plus, I had my LOST DVDs to keep me warm at night. And back here in Texass, the interwebz and its Hulu-ey goodness provided ample amounts of entertainment when needed and when I wasn't busy going to bed shortly after the sunset like a good little geriatric (seriously, I passed out at 9 freakin' o'clock last night) who has to get up at 6am every morning. Also, I have my LOST DVDs to keep me warm at night.

Anyway, I was happily living this new cable-free life while, simultaneously, Schmoobins was gradually losing his mind (and soul) with every breath that he took that did not involve college football on the television. I think the turning point was earlier this week when he sat down on the couch after coming home from work and said, "Ys... Do you think we can look into getting cable? Like, soon? I really need to watch football. Everybody else gets to watch football. But I get to read about it. ...I just get to read about it." You guys, I seriously think he had tears in his eyes.

So I beckoned Dish Network (I am SO over AT&T, but that's another story) to come to our condo posthaste and they came over this afternoon and set it all up. After I gave them Schmoobz' credit card (remember how I only have $42?). Also: the big burly cable guy was totally making goo goo ga ga baby noises at BB the whole time. Nice.

Anyway, I sent Schmoobs this picture text since he's at work:

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