
This should make up (kind of) for the self-inflicted dairy poison-fest from Saturday.

Let the records show that, tonight, I successfully made and ate quinoa (that's KEEN-wah to you) for the first time ever and the results were both nutritious and delicious. If I were a better blogger, I would get my butt off the couch and take a picture of the leftovers and post them here. But I am not a better blogger. I am a lazy blogger.

Anyway, I made chicken fajitas for dinner with quinoa and vegetables on the side. It gained Schmooblebutt's hearty approval. I am confident it would also have earned BB's enthusiastic approval if I had allowed her a (theoretical*) under-the-table treat, which I didn't because I do not want her eating anything outside of her usual kibble until she stops having abnormal poops.

* We do not own a dining table. We are crude couch eaters.

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