1. The Schmoobeebla is reunited in full! Nope, Bela did not miss BB at all.
2. No more traveling for BB in the very immediate future, so no more nausea and wretching.
3. Every day here is another day closer to (HOOOOPEFULLYYY) getting in to a good PhD program and getting the hell out of dodge.
4. For Christmas, Schmoobeebla got Netflix, Airport Extreme AND Apple TV. Instant Avatar: The Last Airbender on our television!
1. I am back in Texass.
2. It is cold as a mofo here. It snowed over the weekend and it has not all melted yet. And what has melted has just turned into a slick icy cover on everything. Particularly the steep staircase that leads from our third-floor condo down to the parking lot. Taking BB out for walks n' tinkles twice a day is like a battle to keep my life every single time. Also, I stayed warm last night only by sleeping under no less than two thick furry blankets and a comforter. The 6am wake ups when classes start again next week will be pure torture.
3. I have to re-acclimate myself to the limited food choices here again. Less than 24 hours back here, I found myself thinking, "I should go get something to eat. But it's past 9pm. And I don't want fast food. ...Oh well."
4. I miss my family and the readiness of friends already! But at least I have my Schmoobeebla.
Anyway, I have tons of holiday pictures to post. Someday.
Ok, how about just one for now:
So during my lat weekend in CA, my older brother called and asked if we'd be interested in meeting up in San Francisco for the day, which resulted in a fun spontaneous trip to the city with him, his girlfriend, my sister and her family and my mom! We went to the Walt Disney Family Museum (which was actually more interesting than a non-Disney-freak such as myself expected) and then dinner at Fisherman's Wharf. On the drive to dinner, my brother stopped at a light next to the Weinermobile. San Francisco and a giant hotdog shaped vehicle?? It's like a dream come true!
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