
Oprah says...

...Unfortunately, I only had one measly Midol left in the medicine cabinet this morning! Uh oh...

...Just kidding. Only I have a Monthly Backache of Doom (I hope, for your sake.).

Can you tell that I really don't want to get to work creating my syllabi and class schedules for the semester?



Thank goodness for Ibuprofen as a backup. Two pills later and I'm good as new! Also, the subsequent chemical numbing of the Monthly Backache of Doom has allowed me to stop moaning and whining (for now) and actually get some work done. Take that, course syllabuseseses and schedules!

Also: Please allow me this brief moment of self-love (not that kind, you perv) and say that I have still not had any fast food or soda since the beginning of Operation: Anti-Bloat Face and I have been exercising regularly (almost daily!) for a couple of weeks. The exercise only consists of 1.5 to 2 miles run-walk-run-walk-sprint-jog-walking, but it is making a difference. In fact, the improvement in diet and the minimal but regular physical activity - plus the addition of probiotics and daily children's gummy vitamins to my nightly routine - has resulted in me losing my perpetually "bloated" stomach and shedding about 4 pounds! Which is close to all I really wanted to do. Just a couple more to get back to my health goal and then it'll just be maintenance from then on...which is the real challenge if you think about it. 

Related note: Schmoobs and I went out last night (partial belated Christmas present to me!) and I ordered a slice of Chocolate Ganache Layered Cake with Buttercream Frosting for dessert. HOWEVER. I ate only until I was satisfied (as opposed to gluttonously overfull, as was my M.O. previously) and packed the rest for later. Go me. Anyway, I decided to check on my fitness status this morning and the scale said I gained like six pounds. *shakes fist in air* BUTTERRRCREEEEAAAMMMM!!!!

...No, but seriously, I was wearing heavy boots and a coat at the time, so I'm not worried :)

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