
LAST grade* school application sent.

Ever since I've gotten back to Texass, I've had nothing but uncomfortable, awkward anxiety dreams every night. Like dreaming that I am wearing stiletto heels and every surface that I try to walk on is slick so I keep falling on my ass. Those types. I can only attribute this to the fact that I now have only to sit and wait and perform sacrifices towards the musicology gods that I will be accepted to at least one program this Spring. And that that program will give me an assistantship so that I can actually afford to go.

Actually, I misspoke. I've had at least two non-anxiety dreams. A couple nights ago, I dreamt that I discovered this fabulous new type of mascara that, instead of being applied with a traditional mascara wand, was applied with something closer to a itty bitty flat paintbrush and made your lashes super long and fabulous. It was pretty cool. And then last night I dreamt that I uploaded all my California holiday pictures and posted them on this blog. So maybe I'll do that later today. Maybe.

Also: My first day of teaching this semester is next Wednesday, which means that I am down to three days left to, you know, prepare syllabi, course schedules, lecture materials, etc. etc. Bleh.

* I'm keeping that "e" typo because it is awesome and also very telling. Thanks Dan :D

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