
So I've come to terms with my lost photos.

I am right, anyway. All the truly meaningful photos are safely stored away in any number of interwebular hosts like this blahg and Flickr, so I shouldn't fret. And, since I have been meaning - lo, these...years and years - to go through all my photos and sort through, discard and organize them, I guess this was my karmic "You snooze, you lose!" message from the universe. Sigh. It'll be alright.

What I am not so easily able to come to terms with is when people continue to make terribly misinformed and ignorant political statements on their Facebook statuses! Especially when said people are students at the university I teach, which prevents me (through my own design) from commenting on any of their Facebook activity. I mean, I will never fault anybody for disagreeing with my beliefs and opinions, whether the matter is political, social, religious, etc. - as long as your views are thoughtful and informed.

Case in point:

I mean. ...REALLY? Fo' realzies? This entire ridiculous debate isn't whether you get to have private insurance or whether this terrible "socialist" government is going to snatch it away from you. It's whether the government will be allowed to offer precisely this type of subsidized, affordable healthcare to less fortunate Americans who either cannot otherwise afford these benefits from private insurance companies or aren't able to enroll in any private insurance plan because of a pre-existing condition. I wonder if this student realizes how instantly her viewpoint would change if she were to wake up tomorrow with a different life in which she was born with a genetic heart defect and would not be accepted into any insurance plan...and would then have to pay thousands of dollars for basic healthcare needs - or not receive treatment at all. Ugh. Bleargh. As the great orator Ice Cube once said: "Check yo' self before u wreck yo' self," young miss.

Anyway, on to better news:

1. I get to sleep in tomorrow. Damn straight.

2. I continue to rock it out with my courses this semester. Though I was perhaps slightly less beloved this morning because my Music Lit class was subject to their very first quiz of the semester, I feel certain that they will continue to worship the very earth upon which my deliciously comfortable Aerosole loafers tread. And they better considering all the care and prep work I put into planning their classes.

3. BB got a "shave and a haircut..." (two bits!) today. Her previous grooming appointment was scheduled for early December, but it had to be cancelled because the groomers refused to see her until her uterus-yanking sutures had healed completely, which didn't happen for...a while. But finally - spurred by the hell that is pulling enormous amounts of dingleberries from her anus and repeatedly washing her pee-matted fur in the tub - Schmoobs and I were able to schedule an appointment for her this morning. 


 Grrrall. I look not unlike Nick Nolte. Gimme treats or I roll around in my own feces while you're away at work again.

 (I am Nick Nolte. Gimme treats or I'll roll around in my own feces, too.)


Awww! There's the BB we know and love. SO FRESH AND SO CLEAN CLEAN!

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