
Working Day Off.

Hey, have I mentioned that I only have to teach three days a week this semester? Boo. Yah. However, the three courses that I am teaching being three intensive core classes for music majors, these "days off" actually end up being "many hours of preparing for the next day's lectures and lesson plans" anyway. But at least I don't have to commute two hours a day to do so. And can do my work while watching a Bridezillas marathon on television.

So after spending the morning preparing a Keynote lecture for tomorrow's Music Lit (For music majors! Yay! All sixty-five of them! In one room! ACK!), I felt guilty about skipping yesterday's workout, so I bundled myself up in an undershirt, sweater, hoodie, fleece scarf, knit cap, and sweats, and wrapped BB in her bright pink Snuggie (yep) and ventured outside for a brisk arctic jog. We only lasted about ten or fifteen minutes before I gave up and ran back to the warm comfort of the indoors. Factoring in the wind chill, it was nineteen degrees out. Bleh. But I did do some ass and abs exercises inside. And then I rewarded myself with more coffee. And a puff of some Ventolin. Mmm...Ventolin.

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