

I think I may be the last person on this continent to blog about last night's historic election. That's right people. It's almost November 6 and I still haven't blogged about the election! I think that makes me a.....Maverick! Wait, what? We're not doing that anymore? My bad.

Anyway, in eleven minutes I will have lost my chance to officially post on my blog on the day after this great historic election. And I shouldn't wait to blog until tomorrow because Thursdays are my official Eleven Straight Hours of Teaching Clarinet Lessons Dear God Please Use Your Magical Powers to Send Me An Iced Latte From the Heavens Or I Will Take This Reed and Jab It Into My Eye Socket Day and I, therefore, will not have time to post at the end of the day as I will be too busy being resuscitated because I accidentally drowned myself after dunking my head into a giant punchbowl full of vodka. So I have to say this now: Last night's election was so thrilling that I literally injured my groin in excitement! 

I mean, I don't know if that's even possible, but I did stay up until midnight watching CNN (note: and then listened to NPR all day the next day...when did I turn into my father?!), took a shower, went to bed, woke up at 5:30am, pressed the snooze button every 5 minutes until 6:05am, took a shower, and went to work realizing that I had pulled my groin at some point during the last 12 hours. 

* (ETA 11/6: I just realized I put this asterisk here yesterday because I had something clever to add. However, I see now that I never did write in any asterisk. And I've forgotten what it was I was going to say. Oh well. I'm sure it was something deliciously witty and clever.)

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