
This is more like it.

So last night I dreamt that I was in a scene with Liz Lemon in an episode of 30 Rock (If you don't know of who/what I speak, then we cannot be friends. Sorry.), when she got frustrated with all the people in the cast and stomped off in a huff saying, "Fine. I'll just go hang out with the bacon then." Ah, Tina Fey and fried salted cured meat. I guess this is what dreams really are made of?

ps. The Sinus Headache of Doom remains. Driving home from work today, I attempted to blow my nose at a stoplight, which resulted only in triggering a sneezing fit so violent that I think the person stopped next to me probably thought I was having an epileptic seizure. Well, I guess now it's starting to feel more Winter...

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