

Is it just me, or has this blog just devolved into a series of weekly quasi-apologies for the lengthy stretches of non-posting? Whatever. Take what you can get.

Quick notes: 

1. I am 80.2% certain that I am not merely lactose intolerant, which I have known about for many many years, but allergic to dairy as a whole. Never have I craved ice cream more in my entire life. 

Note to self that I wish I had known last week: You're breaking out everywhere and suffering from a chronic case of The Broken Hoo-Hah despite chugging 64 ounces of cranberry juice in 5 minutes.* PUT DOWN THAT BUBBLE MILK TEA AND BOXFUL OF ICE CREAM DRUMSTICKS!! Yeesh.

1a. There is one drumstick left in the freezer (I ate the other 7 last week...ugh) and it is taking all of me right now to not finish it off. Despite my pleas to Schmoobleblurgh to JUST EAT IT ALREADY PLEASE, it still sits there, just begging me to eat its poisonously delicious self. 

2. Can the school district please f*ing pay me for teaching clarinet lessons already?! The longer Schmooblebutt has to shoulder my share of finances, the more I feel like a Kept Woman, which is nicht so gut.  Not to mention the fact that my last several visits to Target have involved only... *shudder* ...necessary purchases. Drano Max, dishwasher detergent, toothpaste, etc. Ugh, stab me in the heart already. 

3. Okay, one great thing about living in Texas? This place. Specifically, some heavenly Salvadorian dish called "Churrasco Tipico" or as it is informally known (in my head): "Orgasm on a Plate" (ew). We have eaten here more than a handful of times - most recently, about 3 hours ago...Schmooblebuttocks paid...I am a Kept Woman! Ugh ugh ugh! - and I have never ordered anything else but this dish. It is THAT good. 

4. Is #3 enough to entice any of you to come down here and visit me? Blaaaar I want my friends!!

5. Last night I went to see Jon Manasse perform the Brahms Clarinet Sonata in F Minor and Bartok's Contrasts. If you non-clarinerds don't know who he is, just Google him. He is amazing. His technique is amazing. His sound is beyond amazing...or as I like to call it (in my head): "Orgasm from a Devil Stick" (ew). 

6. I have been asked by the clarinet professor at the university at which Schmoobinz is employed (unofficially: The University of Whyyy in Texas? WhyGodWhyyyyyy?!) to teach their studio class this Friday. Terribly exciting. Except perhaps for one of the undergrad clarinet majors who, upon being told earlier that she would be playing for me in the studio class asked, "Oh no! Ysabel's not mean is she?" And who, upon meeting me at the concert last night, heard this as my response, "Oh, you have nothing to be nervous about! I'm really nice! ...I mean, unless you're really bad or something..." Ahem. I don't think she quite read my sarcastic tone correctly, as she scampered away like a little mouse and didn't speak to me for the rest of the evening. Whoopsie daisies!

* Not recommended. Unless you want to feel instantly nauseous and on the verge of giving birth to a gigantic basketball-sized cranberry.

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