
Two posts in one day...

...because the fact that I just carried 12 bags of groceries up to my top floor apartment in one trip deserves its own post, Goddamnit!

1. Yes, I bought a pie. But two minutes before admitting defeat and heading to the checkout line, I went back and exchanged my coconut cream pie for a lemon meringue. Victory!

2. Okay. Until my cellphone bill due date - which is in two days - I will happily remain in denial that I just spent the last hour accumulating a $60 grocery tab. HOWEVER. That is probably equal to a mere two or three dinners out with Schmooblz, so I think my 12 bags worth of groceries is probably a smart purchase in the long run. Right? Even the jar of Maraschino cherries that I bought? Right?!

3. You know what's even better than an ice cold glass of crack diet Coke? An ice cold glass of diet Coke with some Maraschino cherries in it. So I bought a bottle of diet Coke and some Maraschino cherries. So sue me! Geez.

4. You know what's a surefire way to get dangerously-close-to-middle-aged men to come up and say random quasi-flirtatious things to you? Wear a short skirt and then hang out at the produce section.

5. Yes, it is the middle of November and I wore a short skirt and flip flops out in the evening to go to the grocery store. What is this place??!!


ps. OMG Have you seen the new Gmail page themes? I changed mine to the "Planets" theme and, upon seeing it, literally clapped my hands and said "Yay! Yay! Yay!"

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