2. Note to self: Never complain about warm weather in November ever again.
3. But here's what I learned: the go-to lesson plan when your brain has turned to mush as a result of popping 2 Sudafed Sinus Headache pills and washing it down with a diet Coke? Sight-reading duets! Less talking by me! Fun for all!
4. Last night, before I was awoken with the aforementioned sneezefest, I dreamt that I had reached a mental state of "endonnite." This, sadly, does not exist in real life. However, in my dream, it was a spiritual and mental state of such an advanced stage that one was able to stop time and exist in that space for any length of time that you desired. Anyway. I remember the term "endonnite" being very vivid in my dream as I repeated the term over and over and over again, I think even as I began to regain consciousness. And I think there was also something in my dream about how the term involved the ideas of "end" and "night." And then I woke up by sneezing 13 times in a row.
5. No, I did not eat any special mushrooms yesterday, thankyouverymuch.
6. Maybe this is a side effect of cheese withdrawal?
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