
I'm all about lists these days.orI'm totally lazy.

1. Hey, you know what happens when you annoy the universe by whining on your blog about the pleasantly sunny and warm weather down South? It will wake you up at 3am with a series of 13 violent sneezes in a row (I counted) and then curse you with a horrible sinus headache at work so that you are left with little else to do but muster all of your strength (caffeine) to physically hold your head upright with both of your hands while you attempt to talk to a high school kid about the Circle of Fifths and key signatures. Oh, and then the temperature will drop like ten degrees from yesterday, with thunderstorms approaching, just in time for you to go to work before the sun rises with no sweater or umbrella. 

2. Note to self: Never complain about warm weather in November ever again. 

3. But here's what I learned: the go-to lesson plan when your brain has turned to mush as a result of popping 2 Sudafed Sinus Headache pills and washing it down with a diet Coke? Sight-reading duets! Less talking by me! Fun for all!

4. Last night, before I was awoken with the aforementioned sneezefest, I dreamt that I had reached a mental state of "endonnite." This, sadly, does not exist in real life. However, in my dream, it was a spiritual and mental state of such an advanced stage that one was able to stop time and exist in that space for any length of time that you desired. Anyway. I remember the term "endonnite" being very vivid in my dream as I repeated the term over and over and over again, I think even as I began to regain consciousness. And I think there was also something in my dream about how the term involved the ideas of "end" and "night." And then I woke up by sneezing 13 times in a row.

5. No, I did not eat any special mushrooms yesterday, thankyouverymuch.

6. Maybe this is a side effect of cheese withdrawal? 

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