
Greetings from the Denver International Airport! (I'm getting to know this concourse very well)

Just a couple brief notes before I venture out to find some insanely overpriced and mediocre airport food to shove inside my face hole:

1. I am currently drinking the best tasting soy latte I have had in a long time (tastes like the one I got at Cozumel). This goes against my "No coffee during air travel as it will increase the likelihood of the need to use a public restroom (...*shudder*)" rule. But germy airport toilets be damned! I NEED COFFEE. Surely I can summon enough will to levitate over the public toilet, right?

2. Chicago was awesome. Dev and Ness are awesome. Thirty is awesome (Can you believe it?). More on all this when I have uploaded all my pictures online. There are some entertaining stories to be shared. Like one involving a middle-aged Russian immigrant who scolded me inside a very crowded public bus. It was awesome.

3. This man is eating a McDonald's Big Mac next to me at the gate and it smells AMAZING. I want to rip it out of his hands and throw it inside my face. Do you think that would get me arrested?

4. The place two gates to my left is bound for San Francisco. Can I take that flight instead please? Do you think THAT would get me arrested?

5. When I was at Chicago Midway this morning, the lady checking my ID and boarding pass before security was unexpectedly nice and said, "Happy Belated Birthday!" Sometimes people can be cool (Often times not. See: Old Russian ladies who yell at me on the bus.).

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