
Preeeetty sneaky, bro.

I think I have watched this clip no less than fifteen times in the last 2 days:

In other news: Do you know what's one good thing about being a young Asian woman living in the suburbs of Dallas, Texass? That when you go to a nearby bar/restaurant with a girlfriend for happy hour drinks and accidentally leave a packet of clarinet music on your table assumably never to be seen again, you will go back to said bar/restaurant more than two weeks later and run into the waiter that has only seen you once previously many days before and he will say, "Hey! You left some music here a few weeks ago! I've got it in the back." Ha!

Also: You know what's the best way to spend your first free Friday morning after the end of classes for the semester? Having to go to a mandatory sexual harassment training seminar at the university for which you teach. Especially when you get to sit there with your colleagues and watch this video:

I am not even kidding you.

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