Other notable notes:
1. I think I have my Monthly Confirmation That I Am Without Child today. Bring on the Midol!
2. I guess that makes it even better that I chickened out and didn't go through the LOST finale re-watch last night. Can you imagine the psychotic crying and wailing that would have gone down in my living room? I would have perished by self-inflicted drowning in my own tears!
2a. Ooooooh. This also explains why I found myself weeping while watching "The Break-Up" starring Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn on TBS last night. Really? The Break-Up?? Sheesh. Funny side note: A couple of years ago, I got supremely pissed at Schmooblebuns for some reason or another and he awoke to find me the next morning on our couch giving him the silent treatment and watching this movie on television. I think he got the picture. Especially since just a few months ago, a commercial for this movie came on and he was like, "Uh, remember when you got really mad at me and watched this movie? That scared me." Ha! Take note, ladies.
3. In a weirdly-related note: BB is totally about to have her Woman Time, too. She's been way mellow and really preferring to chill out in cozy little quiet hiding places. And licking her private area even more than she usually does (which is A LOT). *sigh*
4. I totally just went into a LOST-induced trance and possibly just spent some money online purchasing LOST-related things that I probably didn't need to, especially considering that my next paycheck is five or six weeks away. Gulp. So I got instantaneous buyer's remorse and sent the company an email that may have said something like "CANCEL! CANCEL! CANCEL!" Hopefully it works.
5. And then hopefully I can re-order the items in five to six weeks.
6. Earlier this morning I was all, "Man, I really don't have anything interesting to blog about." And then I remembered that I still had to post the pictures from my Chicago trip. And then I remembered how annoying that process is. And now I am remembering that it is so much easier to just put it off for a little bit longer. Sorry!
I guess I could, like, practice or something (emphasis on "or something").
Curry Chicken Salad:Redux...MACRO!
New and Improved! Now with less potential food poisoning! Also, no tomatoes and raisins (because I used them all up in my first unfortunate batch), but with toasted pecans (because I had some).
Also, I always have an audience of one when I'm in the kitchen.
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