
LOST 4evah.

LOST Finale with island food (pineapple, mangoes, kiwi, pork ("boar") weenies, pulled pork "pulled boar" sandwiches, Dharma Cola, Dharma beer and Dharma vodka, Dharma cookies, and Dharma tortilla chips) and Scott, Dev, Vanessa, Ozzie and Zoey was AWESOME. Pictures to come. Must take the next week (and by "week" I mean "the rest of eternity") to process. I surprisingly did not get weepy (I'm assuming my Dharma vodka and cranberries helped. Although I screamed and yelled and squealed and clapped quite a few times.) until the very very end. When Jack returned to the bamboo forest? And then Vincent came and laid next to him?! Oy. Vey. *tear*

Also: I must make a t-shirt that says this:

Roses are red. Violets are blue.
4 8 15 16 23 42

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