
What do you get when you get the idea to fix up a batch of curry chicken salad and throw some chicken into a pot of boiling water with onions, garlic, salt and pepper flakes?

Uh, you get amazing smells taking over your entire apartment that make you want to eat your own face off. That is all.

UPDATE: Curry chicken salad with onions, tomatoes, red grapes, celery and raisins, served on bed of greens - made and partially currently digesting in mah belleh. It was pretty and healthy (when you ignore the giant blops of mayonnaise that went into it). And now, half a glass of wine and Simpsons on my television. Huzzah!

UPDATE #2: Um...if a fairly recenty-purchased jar of mayonnaise is slightly separated when you open it but smells totally normal, it's probably still good, right? Because if not, I think I may be suffering from self-inflicted food poisoning. I feel a rumbly in my tumbly. Whoops.

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