Ah, nothing like a midday emotional breakdown, am I right?
Long story short, I woke up this morning in continuation with my thoughts yesterday, feeling as though I needed desperately to see different faces than the ones I've looked at everyday for the past six weeks and even more desperately to see lovely familiar faces from home.
And then I went to French Quarter to heat up a therapeutic mug of Star*ucks VIA (instant...meh) coffee and realized only too late that I had nuked the coffee and creamer for two minutes in the microwave WITHOUT ADDING ANY WATER FIRST and was faced with a mug lined with molten encrusted black coffee grounds and creamer and a big communal room that smelled like burnt coffee.
And then I went to the cafeteria to have lunch surrounded by the same aforementioned faces from the past six weeks in a big steamy hot un-airconditioned hall with sub-par food-ish items. And I was so cranky that I chose to bypass the longer line EVEN THOUGH IT WAS TO RIB SHAPED MEAT, PEOPLE.
And then I decided once and for all that I hated everyone and everything in my nearby vicinity so I called up Schmooblebottoms just so I could hear a warm non-irritating voice and when he said hello I (ugh) immediately started crying like a stupid little baby. And when he asked me if everything here was going okay and if anything was going wrong, all I could say was, "No, everything here is fine. Really. I'm just SO ANNOYED WITH EVERYBODY."
Bleh. Hormones are a real botch, seriously. But not as much as The Diva.
Addendum: So I locked myself in my cabin for the afternoon and cried some silly girl tears and attempted to take out my frustrations through my clarinet (not a good idea) then through sitting on my couch eating trail mix and watching Season 5 of LOST (VERY good idea). Note: I'm almost at the end of my Great Summer LOST Rewatch of 2010 and I still have over two weeks here! Gah!
And then I had a late afternoon rehearsal with the new piece that my chamber group is premiering tomorrow that went better than anticipated followed by clarinet studio class in which I contributed some suggestions without sounding like a complete moron.
And then I drank some whiskey.
So now I feel a little better. Happy face :)
Happy face with open-mouth :D
Happy face with furrowed brow that will make me super paranoid about wrinkles now that I'm thirty ~:D
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