
Brevard: Day Twenty-nine

Not that I'm counting or anything, but IT IS THIRTEEN HOURS UNTIL PAYDAY.

Also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY ONE-OF-TWO-CUTEST-NEICES-EVER KAT!! If only payday came a week earlier, I could have gotten you a special Brevardian birthday present (I'm not quite sure what that would be. A white squirrel? Rib Shaped Meat?). But as it is, your favorite aunt continues to be a borderline penniless degenerate, so a super-cool birthday song stylinz on my clarimanet will have to do.

ps. I reached the end of Season 3 on my Great Summer LOST Re-Watch last night and the last 3 hours of that season leading up to Chaaahlie's death?? OY! Stab me in the heart already. I was all verklempt and leaky-eyed even more than when I was watching the first time.

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