So this is apparently the third day in a row that the Dean staff has had to take students to the local urgent care center (supposed to be for medical situations in which our nurse staff is unable to provide service). All this really means is that people are starting to miss their mommies and need attention. For example, this morning Dan - who is actually under the weather himself - had to take a van full of four students to the ER. Why? Because one girl hurt her ankle. And then another has allergies. And then another girl is suffering from what Dan put as, "being a b*tch." Do you know what all these people have in common? THEY WERE ALL VOCALISTS. Geez Louise. You know what I want to say to these people? I want to say, "WELL I'VE HAD A GODDAMN BLADDER INFECTION UP MY BABY MAKER FOR THREE WEEKS NOW, OKAY? NOW DEAL WITH YOUR EFFING ALLERGIES." Anyway.
Hey, do you know what is totally awesome? When you've been living in the woods for three weeks with limited cellphone service, spotty interwebs and a freaking bladder infection that just clings and clings like a psychotic girlfriend AND THEN YOU START PMS-ING. And then you get your Monthly Confirmation That You Are Indeed Without Child. Wheeee!!! (Welcome to my last couple of days.) Watch out bears. I may actually be seeking out things to punch in the forest.
Speaking of things that I want to punch: rumor has it that strep throat is circulating around the opera company. Now, if I were a better person and if some of them weren't such obnoxious botches, then I would feel bad and wish for their speedy recovery. But since I am who I am and they are who they are, I am going to say this instead: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA *breathe* AAAHAHAAHAHA!
Lest this post sound too betchy, here's some "Thanks for throwing me a bone, Universe." news: I totally got a surprise paycheck in the mail the other day! Just when I was computing in my head exactly how to make my last $16 last the next ten days (especially when I had a credit card bill due before payday...eep), I got a check from a school that owed me money for lessons that took so long I forgot about it. Anyway, it was only eighty dollars after taxes, and even less than that after I paid my credit card bill. But hey! Maybe I can buy something delicious for myself with the leftover funds. Like a latte. If Hootie is behaving.
Oh, and last night I totally dreamt that I saw BB and she looked just like she did when she was a puppy and I gave her a big huge hug. WAAAH I MISS MY PUPPY. AND BELA. AND MY SCHMOOBLES.
I miss my Schmoobeebla. The end.
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