
Brevard: Day Thirty-four

1. Happy Birthday to my Schmooblebonbons! Oh, that 'twere possible to mail a giant box of Rib Shaped Meat with a pretty bow wrapped around it!

2. I got a call from one of our composition students today asking if I would be willing to play in a piece he wrote (clarinet and string quartet) for the composition recital next week. I said yes, mainly in the hopes that he will one day become a famous and wealthy composer who will shower me with gold dubloons. Or at least that I can someday say, "I once premiered a clarinet quintet of __________ back when he was just an aspiring composer."

3. It is gray and rainy again today. An umbrella would be a nice thing to own right about now, I think.

4. Last Friday (not coincidentally, payday) I went to the town liquor store to buy four bottles of espresso-infused vodka (No, not all for me, sicko. One for me, one for Schmoobles, one for my mommeh and one for my sister) except THEY WERE SOLD OUT. Sad day! Sad day for everyone! But apparently they will be restocking on their next truck shipment which happens to be...our next payday. I'll take that as a sign :)

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