
Brevard: Day Twenty-three

Did you know that I get a paycheck in exactly one week? BECAUSE I DO WOOT WOOT WOOT! The countdown begins (Although, in all honesty, I've been counting down for about six weeks now. And by "six weeks" I mean "I've been counting down to next paychecks for the last twelve years of my life.")

In "Not really what you'd expect on a typical Thursday night" news: Last night after dinner, the five Deans decided to congregate on Cale's porch to have drinks and movie night. We were well into "Dark Knight" and deeply into our gin and tonics (me) and glasses of red wine (everyone else) and subsequently thoroughly freaked out over Heath Ledger's tremendously creepy performance, when our official Dean Phone rang. It was one of the students calling to tell us that there was a bunch of weirdos hiding out behind some bushes near some cabins jumping out and scaring students as they walked by. I should also add that it was already dark at this point. And that they were wearing animal masks.

So Dan and I left Dean Movie Night, put on our superhero costumes and went to go fight crime just like Christian Bale. And by "fight crime," I mean we called up the police officer that was on duty and asked him to come check it out. Dan and I were about halfway there when the police officer passed by us in his cruiser going the wrong way, so we did the best we could to jump up and down and wave our arms after him in the pitch black. He must have sensed our crimefighting energy, because about a minute later he pulled up beside us and we filled him in on what was going on. And then he asked us if we wanted to hop in the back of his car and ride with him! And I was all, "Aw, man! Yeah! That'd be pretty sweet!" Which, in retrospect, may not have sounded all that professional. But whatever.

So thus ends the story of how I took my first ever ride in the back of a police cruiser (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). We rode through where the animal masked weirdos supposedly were and didn't see anything, so that was it.

You win this round, Tita Jul! Hahaha.

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