
Brevard: Day Thirty-Five

Dear blahg,

Today I played 4th clarinet in the high school band for their concert because they asked and I said yes. 1) I was still the shortest person in the section (damnit) and 2) I totally miscounted my rests and came in like two measures early. *sigh* But is was still good times.

The end.



ps. I'm fully engrossed in Season 4 of LOST at the moment and - while that season kind of felt like a jumbled troubling mess in real time - it is TOTALLY AWESOME to watch in retrospect. Case in point: remember this scene of Hurley and Ben silently sharing an Apollo bar while Locke goes into the creepy Jacob's cabin? Total foreshadowing of future Number 1 and Number 2! Way cool.

BTW, I'm already preparing myself emotionally for when the freighter blows up and we think that Jin blew up along with it and I was totally sadz for like 6 months after.

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