
Brevard: Day Fifty-six

Uh...since when does being an Assistant Dean mean suddenly becoming weirdly busy with various rehearsals and recitals? I guess it's not a bad thing. Another New Music performance tomorrow and then our Maslanka Quintet recital on Friday. A Maslanka performance after 2 weeks of rehearsals? Are we mad?? Yes.

In other news, Erin is completely hooked on LOST and this conversation at lunch totally made my entire week:

Matt: So, do you guys want to go to bowleoke* tonight? It'll be fun.
Erin: But..... I need to find out what everyone else's back stories are.
Matt: What?
Ysabel: Squeeeeee! *claps hands*

* Bowling + Karaoke. Apparently a favored townie activity. I only regret that I never chose to partake in this hallowed Wednesday night tradition.

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