
Star*ucks Wi-fi for the win!

Little blonde teenyboppers who drive beautiful shiny black BMW convertibles really STICK IN MY CRAW. Especially when ten minutes earlier, I took Winnie the Trusty Old Toyota through a car wash and I learned (the hard way) that her passenger side window was open a crack. And when I unbuckled my seatbelt to lean over and roll up the window in a wet panic, THE KNOB BROKE OFF. *sigh* Back to the real world, eh?

But anyway, I'm sitting next to a table where two little pre-pubescent boys who wear eyeglasses are sitting with their Frapuccinos and donuts and laptops and textbooks, working on a school project and practicing their fistbumps and being all-around cute and nerdy like good little childrens. This makes me happy.

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