

Schmooblybonbonz is back! The Family is complete once again after our Summer of Travels. It was only appropriate that the final step in our reunion would have to involve my driving to Dallas-Love Field airport to pick him up last night...because he forgot that he left his car at Dallas-Fort Worth airport and needed me to give him a ride there. *sigh* As I told Julia on the phone, if I didn't miss him so much, I would have been way annoyed. Ha.

Also, I have totally been taking cold showers since returning to Texas because I couldn't figure out why there was hot water in every tap coming out of the condo EXCEPT the showers. The kitchen got hot water. The bathroom sinks got hot water. I even tried my feeble hand at messing with the hot water heater (well, the little I could muster after reading the instruction manual without feeling like I was going to make the entire place explode) and still no luck. So, I figured I could live with it until Schmoobs came home because, hey did I mention that I apparently live on the surface of the Sun now? TEXAS IS HOT.* Anyway, I mentioned it to Schmoobs in the car last night and he was all, "Oh, there's hot water. You just have to turn the knob only a little bit." And I was all, "What, like in the 'COLD' position?" "Yes." "So 'HOT' means 'COLD' and 'COLD' means 'HOT'?" "Yes....I thought I mentioned that to you."

Ugh. Why didn't I think of that?! You would think that would be one of the first things to check for if you're not getting any hot water in your shower. Whatever. I think the showers froze my brain.

* No, seriously. I left this receipt on the passenger seat of my car for a total of 3 hours while I went to watch "Eat Pray Love"** with a couple of girlfriends on Saturday, and when I got back to my car I saw that THE RECEIPT GOT BAKED. It had turned black, people. That's never happened to me before. Whoa.

** A double asterisk*** maneuver! Anyway, I also wanted to note that there was a surprisingly large amount of audience members with twigs and berries at the movie. Geez, those poor husbands/boyfriends! That movie is like a chick flick on crack.

*** Triple asterisk!!! I can hardly contain myself. Anyway, this morning I went to a meeting for private lesson teachers at a new district I'm teaching for this year and the nice young lady who was leading the meeting kept saying "asterick." "Asterick" this and "asterick" that. AAAGH! I nearly clawed my own ears out. She also said, "Nip it in the butt." Blargh.

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